Welsh Clinical Gateway / Scottish Gateway - any experience?

Hi All

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with integrating into the Welsh Clinical Gateway - this is based on the Scottish product and dates back to 2011 with an XML approach. We are looking to develop some middlewear that will link between our standard FIHR API approach and this?

Best wishes


I worked on the Lothian version. Is it based on some national standard (I could never work out if the XML we used was national or the Lothian way)

Hi Kev - thanks for your reply - any capacity to look at a job for us? I can send you the current documentation that we have and you can see if this is consistent with the Lothian piece - we have lots of code example for how it will work in WCCG - its just our developers are Ruby based and this all looks a bit alien to them!! We only need the login authentication piece, followed by a message (referral) send. So its not the full implementation - we have developers kit, test sites etc

Unfortunately, I don’t have the capacity at the moment.

I could possibly dig out the contacts - I do recall the name of the lead there. The Welsh WCCG is the same as SCI gateway - developed but the same team. There is also the NICCG (N Ireland)

No worries - I appreciate you responding… :slight_smile:

Hi Michelle - thanks - we have all the contacts - we just need someone to help us with the coding - its not impossible stuff, but I think someone familiar with it would have a significant jump start on someone starting from scratch - so was looking to see if anyone had experience with coding this up!! Thanks for reply - have a super weekend!!


We coded around the API and found the SCI team really helpful

Have a great w/e


I dont believe it’s difficult but the problem is the use of xml and soap. Your developers probably want rest and JSON?

My preferred approach would be to use java or c# to communicate with the gateway (they have more extensive libraries for dealing with XML and soap). Then transform this into rest+json, probably using FHIR as the api data model will probably match FHIR (from memory it does do).
I’d probably go with java as open source support is more comprehensive - I’m using apache camel and HAPI fhir to do something similar at the mo.

I may be able to help with the development but would need a java/c# developer to do the actual coding.

Hi Kev - this was exactly my thought - create a “middle” piece that translate from RESTFul JSON/FHIR calls in to the Scottish / Welsh system. We can opensource for others to use - and perhaps encourage both areas to adopt it officially as an interface. I appreciate your thoughts. I will reach out to them to see if they know a java or C developer with some experience and then get back to you - unless anyone else out there would like to join a little sprint team to get this piece of work done? I dont know if it will be of wider interest to those providing services in these areas? I guess patching legacy into FHIR will be a common activity moving forwards!! @Michelle_Burdett - did you code in house or contract out? Any contacts or interest? Thanks guys!

searching for experiences and feedback too as i’m planning to go to Scotland soon for a month. i’m trying to stay healthy with diets mainly with salads, but you never know as it may not be enough.

SCI-XML is rather FHIR-like in terms of being expressed as a set of concrete resources. So probably maps pretty readily to FHIR, although local vs. national messaging might be an issue and of course XML/SOAP.

Scotland … diets … healthy?? C’mon embrace the local culture - daily White pudding supper (and chips) and Irn Bru to wash it down.