Summary Care Record sensitive code list (SCR V2.1)

Looking for some help.

Does anyone know whether the Summary Care Record exclusion set (accessible here: Summary Care Record viewing guidance including Additional Information - NHS Digital)

a) Maintained? I was struggling to see when it was last updated.
b) Available elsewhere? Specifically, if you can be informed if it has been updated or does this list stay fairly static?

I’ve seen similar code lists available on TRUD - Legally restricted patient confidential reference data but this hasnt been updated since 2016 and available as the below refsets in SNOMED but I’m not sure if these are the same as available on the NHS website.

  • General practice summary data sharing exclusion for assisted fertilisation simple reference set
  • General practice summary data sharing exclusion for gender related issues simple reference set
  • General practice summary data sharing exclusion for sexually transmitted disease simple reference set
  • General practice summary data sharing exclusion for termination of pregnancy simple reference set

Just looking for the central place to go a grab the Summary Care Record sensitive code list but any insight or knowledge would be a great help.


@alexwren they are updated with each version of SNOMED released. In fact we have just reviewed them this week for the next release. I recognise the 4 exclusion lists you name so assume they must be the definitive output. There is current concern around the lists; some of the data is legally restricted and some regarded as sensitive and the views about data have shifted as has the use of the sets over time since they were first created. There is discussion going on about who owns the lists and who is responsible for the specifications. So I would advise using with caution and ensuring they are appropriate for the intended purpose.

Thanks for the info.