Message to openhealthhubbers!
NHS Hack Day is once again coming up - it’s on 28th and 29th January in Cardiff. I’ll be there and I’m told there are still a few tickets, so if you’re looking for something to combat the gloom of a perpetual #NHSCrisis and the frustrations of NHS IT, this is the ideal tonic!
Tickets are free, and you’ll get to meet developers, clinicians, patients and others that want to help make health tech better, improve use of open data in the NHS, and generally have a good time as well.
If you’ve never been to NHSHD and/or don’t know much about it, then definitely check out the website at the link below - look at some of the previous projects that have been done at NHS Hack Day for ideas and inspiration.
[It’s still a bit of a mystery to me why NHS Digital, NHS England, Public Health England, and other ‘central’ NHS organisations have never engaged with NHS Hack Day properly - they give the impression of perpetually being on the lookout for innovation and ways of ‘doing things differently’, but don’t use NHS Hack Day as a proving ground for ideas and talent spotting…]