National Early warning score (NEWs) mobile device applications

Im looking for a list of mobile device applications for mobile devices that support NEWs2 and talk with System one?

My service is currently using System one. One of the largest software providers for patient electronic records. However I am informed by my trust that the reason we are still using paper records is because others developers mobile applications will not communicate with system one. Consequently patient data would not be stored in one place. Sysemone is currently developing a mobile application for recording observations, however this makes options for the trust very limiting.

I would appreciate advice on this topic.

As far as I know (would love to be corrected), SystmOne does not provide a way for app developers to do this.

A project called Gp connect may allow them to do this.
In an ideal world they would provide an open api (obvious candidate is a FHIR restful api). So any app that supports the same interface and news2 would do the job (maybe with minimal mods)

Hi, we have a direct connection with TPP S1 via the NHS Digital IM1 process. We are going through FRA at the moment. We are really interested in how we can support the NEW score and have a mobile app. Would be happy to have a discussion.


Hello Paul.

Can you please expand on what you are offfering. Also can you expalin your link with TPP S1 via the NHS Digital IM1 process. And lastly can you tell me what FRA stands for. Im am interested in hearing from you. I am afraid I am now in a position where I can influence direction. However my background is a clinician and my knowledge of the development of clinical systems is limited. My main role is risk management and deployment.

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Hi @Mpriestley. I dont’ know about the other questions but I can tell you that FRA means ‘Full Rollout Approval’.

our mobile device can feed NEWS2 into EMIS WEB, however not TPP yet.