Mapping GP Medications to a FHIR resource profile

Hi All,

We are a system that currently stores GP data from different GP source systems. We want to be able map this data to a FHIR Medications resource profile.
We are unsure which profile we should be using. Could you please advice.
We believe it is MedicationStatement but we are not sure


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This is a link to a similar discussion Medicationadministration - the administrated drugs vs full list

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Hi Kev,

Thanks for that link. Just to confirm what its indicating:

As our system is downstream of the GP systems and acting as a kind-of “warehouse”, we should use the Medication Statement profile over the Dispense/Order/Request?

That would be what was intended by the Care Connect profiling work. You should only use MedicatoinRequest if you are building an actual prescribing system.

What do you mean by kind of warehouse?
If it’s a near real time/Caché then I may steer towards MedxoationRequest especially on a rest interface or messaging.
As the underlying system (Gp), probably Via mig, is a prescribing system.

Thank you for the responses, it seems MedicationStatement is the most suitable for GP data we currently hold.

Having looked at the MedicationStatement profile, I have come across some issues while trying to do the mapping, there is no obvious field to store a patient’s prescription quantity and units for example “100 tablets”. Under the Dosage field, there is maxDosePerPeriod, maxDosePerAdministration and maxDosePerLifetime. These fields do not seem suitable to store the total quantity/units prescribed for a patient, they are too specific whereas I’m looking to a generic field to be able to store a patient’s prescription quantity/units. Where could the quantity and units be placed and perhaps clarification of what the above fields mean, would be appreciated.

hi as well as those you mention there is the DoseAndRate part. Bear in mind that saying “100 tablets” isn’t really a dose, because you are not saying what amount in each tablet.