Donating to OpenHealthHub!

Open Health Hub is a non-profit organisation, founded as a Community Interest Company in 2012, originally to focus on development of open source healthcare software.

Our main activity now is running this forum, which provides the only completely independent, open internet-facing, and free place to discuss health technology in the NHS/UK. (There are some other discussion sites but many of them impose rules on what kinds of subjects are considered ‘OK’ to discuss on there. Here on OHH there are no such restrictions, and in fact that’s one of the main reasons I set it up)

Running Open Health Hub does cost some money for servers and a little sysadmin time - so by donating to Open Health Hub you can support our work and ensure that we continue providing this great place for discussing UK health technology, clinical informatics, health developer queries, open source and everything else we do.

All funds donated go direct into the Community Interest Company, which means all of your donation will go to benefit the community here and not into shareholders’ or directors’ pockets.

Follow this link to securely donate to Open Health Hub via PayPal

It’s up to you if you would like to donate once-off or regularly. Donors will be listed on our thank-you page (unless you wish to remain anonymous)

That is all I wanted to say, but ‘Post must be at least ten characters’ apparently.


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