Clients for VDI integration


I am aware that Remmina has been used for RDP accessiblility, however would it be possible to include the VMWare Horizon View and Citrix Receiver applications into the build please?

Horizon View Client 4.5.0 (Linux 32 Bit)

Horizon View Client 4.5.0 (Linux 64 Bit)

Citrix Receiver 13.6 for Linux

Thanks for the pointers Aaron!

It’s unlikely that licenses will permit us to package those up and include
them on the ISO for installation.

Would you be willing to work through an installation on those components
and then write up your method to post here?


No Danger.

That’s a shame. It would be worth the investigation…

Horizon View Client 4.5.0 (Linux 32 Bit)

cd ~/Downloads
chmod 777 VMware-Horizon-Client-4.5.0-5650368.x86.bundle
sudo ./VMware-Horizon-Client-4.5.0-5650368.x86.bundle

Horizon View Client 4.5.0 (Linux 64 Bit)

cd ~/Downloads
chmod 777 VMware-Horizon-Client-4.5.0-5650368.x64.bundle
sudo ./VMware-Horizon-Client-4.5.0-5650368.x64.bundle

Citrix Receiver 13.6 for Linux

cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i icaclient_13.6.0.10243651_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get -f install

Nice one.

I’ll investigate the licensing & look to meta package up a script to
install these direct from the vendor.