// mock.ts import { Measurement, } from '@rcpch/digital-growth-charts-react-component-library/build/interfaces/RCPCHMeasurementObject'; const mockData: Measurement = { birth_data: { birth_date: '1996-01-30', gestation_weeks: 40, gestation_days: 0, estimated_date_delivery: '1996-01-30', estimated_date_delivery_string: 'Tue 30 January, 1996', sex: 'male', }, measurement_dates: { observation_date: new Date('1998-01-07'), // WAS A STRING chronological_decimal_age: 1.9383983572895278, corrected_decimal_age: 1.9383983572895278, chronological_calendar_age: '1 year, 11 months, 1 week and 1 day', corrected_calendar_age: '1 year, 11 months, 1 week and 1 day', corrected_gestational_age: { corrected_gestation_weeks: undefined, // WAS NULL corrected_gestation_days: undefined, // WAS NULL }, comments: { clinician_corrected_decimal_age_comment: 'Born at term. No correction has been made for gestation.', lay_corrected_decimal_age_comment: 'Your child was born on their due date.', clinician_chronological_decimal_age_comment: 'Born Term. No correction has been made for gestation.', lay_chronological_decimal_age_comment: 'Your child was born on their due date.', }, corrected_decimal_age_error: undefined, // WAS NULL chronological_decimal_age_error: undefined, // WAS NULL }, child_observation_value: { measurement_method: 'bmi', observation_value: 21.0, observation_value_error: undefined, // WAS NULL }, measurement_calculated_values: { measurement_method: 'bmi', // ADDED corrected_sds: 3.3628538419291605, corrected_centile: 100.0, corrected_centile_band: 'This body mass index measurement is above the normal range', chronological_sds: 3.3628538419291605, chronological_centile: 100.0, chronological_centile_band: 'This body mass index measurement is above the normal range', corrected_measurement_error: undefined, // WAS NULL chronological_measurement_error: undefined, // WAS NULL // corrected_percentage_median_bmi: 133.14511012573053, HAD TO REMOVED // chronological_percentage_median_bmi: 133.14511012573053, HAD TO REMOVED }, plottable_data: { centile_data: { chronological_decimal_age_data: { x: 1.9383983572895278, y: 21.0, b: 0, // WAS NULL centile: 100.0, sds: 3.3628538419291605, bone_age_label: undefined, // WAS NULL events_text: undefined, // WAS NULL // bone_age_type: null, HAD TO REMOVED // bone_age_sds: null, HAD TO REMOVED // bone_age_centile: null, HAD TO REMOVED observation_error: undefined, // WAS NULL age_type: 'chronological_age', calendar_age: '1 year, 11 months, 1 week and 1 day', lay_comment: 'Your child was born on their due date.', clinician_comment: 'Born Term. No correction has been made for gestation.', age_error: undefined, // WAS NULL centile_band: 'This body mass index measurement is above the normal range', observation_value_error: undefined, // WAS NULL }, corrected_decimal_age_data: { x: 1.9383983572895278, y: 21.0, b: 0, // WAS NULL centile: 100.0, sds: 3.3628538419291605, bone_age_label: undefined, // WAS NULL events_text: undefined, // WAS NULL // bone_age_type: null, HAD TO REMOVED // bone_age_sds: null, HAD TO REMOVED // bone_age_centile: null, HAD TO REMOVED observation_error: undefined, // WAS NULL age_type: 'corrected_age', calendar_age: '1 year, 11 months, 1 week and 1 day', // corrected_gestational_age: '', HAD TO REMOVED lay_comment: 'Your child was born on their due date.', clinician_comment: 'Born at term. No correction has been made for gestation.', age_error: null, centile_band: 'This body mass index measurement is above the normal range', observation_value_error: undefined, // WAS NULL }, }, sds_data: { chronological_decimal_age_data: { x: 1.9383983572895278, y: 3.3628538419291605, b: 0, // WAS NULL // centile: 100.0, HAD TO REMOVED // sds: null, HAD TO REMOVED bone_age_label: undefined, // WAS NULL events_text: undefined, // WAS NULL // bone_age_type: null, HAD TO REMOVED // bone_age_sds: null, HAD TO REMOVED // bone_age_centile: null, observation_error: undefined, // WAS NULL age_type: 'chronological_age', calendar_age: '1 year, 11 months, 1 week and 1 day', lay_comment: 'Your child was born on their due date.', clinician_comment: 'Born Term. No correction has been made for gestation.', age_error: undefined, // WAS NULL, centile_band: 'This body mass index measurement is above the normal range', observation_value_error: undefined, // WAS NULL }, corrected_decimal_age_data: { x: 1.9383983572895278, y: 3.3628538419291605, b: 0, // WAS NULL // centile: 100.0, HAD TO REMOVED // sds: null, HAD TO REMOVED bone_age_label: undefined, // WAS NULL events_text: undefined, // WAS NULL // bone_age_type: null, HAD TO REMOVED // bone_age_sds: null, HAD TO REMOVED // bone_age_centile: null, HAD TO REMOVED observation_error: undefined, // WAS NULL age_type: 'corrected_age', calendar_age: '1 year, 11 months, 1 week and 1 day', // corrected_gestational_age: '', HAD TO REMOVED lay_comment: 'Your child was born on their due date.', clinician_comment: 'Born at term. No correction has been made for gestation.', age_error: undefined, // WAS NULL centile_band: 'This body mass index measurement is above the normal range', observation_value_error: undefined, // WAS NULL }, }, }, bone_age: { bone_age: undefined, // WAS NULL, bone_age_type: undefined, // WAS NULL, bone_age_sds: undefined, // WAS NULL, bone_age_centile: undefined, // WAS NULL, bone_age_text: undefined, // WAS NULL }, events_data: { events_text: undefined, // WAS NULL }, }; export default mockData;