Hi Woolybear,
I’m also a GP trying to work with data in EMIS. I suspect we’ve got a lot of useful information to share with each other. Please tweet or message me on GitHub so we can discuss further.
Hi Woolybear,
I’m also a GP trying to work with data in EMIS. I suspect we’ve got a lot of useful information to share with each other. Please tweet or message me on GitHub so we can discuss further.
Hi Justcop. Looking at github, you may be right. Can’t see a way to message you on GH and don’t do Twitter. Probably just easier to email me - wizzywhatsit@trashmail.se is a good starting point without letting the spambots near my real email.
@dunmail have you done any work with DiaryEntries (FHIR Task)? I’m considering doing this as a hack at the next INTEROPen hack event. I’ll probably do MedicationReviews and Repeat Medication reordering.
The main idea however is to demonstrate how FHIR Workflow working between different providers.
@mayfield.g.kev No.
The mandate to use GP Connect for appointments meant that we stopped actively looking at diary management.
Hi Iain,
are you still working on this? I’ve just tried emailing you on your wizzywhatsit@trashmail.se address but it’s bouncing?
My spambox is dgm5555@gmail.com. David
Hi David - didn’t find a reliable way to extract diary entries but the rest of the XML parsing stuff worked ok as far as I recall. Haven’t touched it in a while.
Find it rather depressing re-reading this thread.
Have looked at API’s from several GP suppliers and roughly what they did was ok with a couple of issues:
These weren’t major issues. Rough ‘fag packet’ would be use OAuth2 Authorisation (authentication probably also OAuth2 e.g. openid) and a standard FHIR REST api.
BUT we got something which wasn’t really authorisation and it was FHIR payload but not the FHIR RESTful API most of the community wanted (e.g. get all diary entries for a Patient is probably GET /Task?patient={id}).
I would love to know where the requirements came from but it doesn’t seem to meet what was people in the community wanted.
I work for a supplier in a community sector and we’ve gone for what I suggest above. Interested to know if others in this sector are doing the same (OAuth2 + FHIR REST API following UKCore).
Can we force a standard??
@woolybear, could you please guide me on how to get started with working on Partner APIs? I’d appreciate it if you have any GitHub links or resources that could help, especially for Python, I’d appreciate it.
Thanks in advance for any assistance!
@woolybear Please let me know if you still have this working code.
Can probably dig it out (may take some doing) but you’ll need an API key and that means talking to EMIS etc. Iirc I did post a working skeleton of my code on here before - have you looked at that?
Might even have a version in go somewhere too.
Answering my own query Emis Web API GetPatientSearches on PatientAccessEMISWebV4_2 (em_pacc.dll) - looking for parameter info - #4 by pacharanero has code and some info.
Apologies - missed this request. See post tonight referencing previous one.